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Metrosideros X Mistral - Pépinière La Forêt

Metrosideros X Mistral

Metrosideros X Mistral

Hybrid more rustic than the other Metrosidéros. It offers an evergreen foliage green slightly grayish, especially in the revert. Blooms in bright red pompom from June to August.

2x2.5m Upright
Evergreen Green
June to August Red
-5° °C
Massifs, hedges, pots
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Packaging GT9
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Sold by min 10 Available quantity 420 Delivery from S35

Characteristics of the Metrosideros X Mistral.

An exotic shrub native to New Zealand, the Metrosideros X Mistral has evergreen evergreen foliage, slightly greyish tough and wavy. The young shoots and buds are silvery grey contrasting with the foliage and flowering. The flowering period is from June to August. The shrub is covered with small spikes in the shape of bright red sprouts. Of bushy form, it can be led in small tree according to the size. This natural hybrid between Métrosidéros excelsa and robusta is much more resistant than other Métrosidéros that can withstand temperatures of -5 to -7°C for short periods.

How to use the Metrosideros X Mistral.

The Metrosideros X Mistral is a very good shrub in exotic clumps but also in various hedges. It can be planted by the sea as it tolerates very well the sea spray.

What advice to succeed in growing Metrosideros X Mistral.

The Metrosideros X Mistral will enjoy a sunny or half-shade situation in a draining and humus-bearing soil. It should be grown in pots to be winterized in regions with harsh winters.