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MYOPORUM laetum - Pépinière La Forêt
MYOPORUM laetum - Pépinière La Forêt
MYOPORUM laetum - Pépinière La Forêt



Mediterranean and seaside shrub, the Myoporum offers a very beautiful and fragrant bloom. Discreet, the flowers develop in the axils of the leaves, in white star spotted with purple. The flowering is followed by very decorative purple berries. Perfect in hedges and in beds, it is resistant to drought, sea spray and poor soils; not very hardy, it should be reserved for coastal areas.

6 x 3 m Arondi/spread out
Evergreen Green
Whith whit purple pots
-3/5° °C
Ornamental tree alignment, seaside shrubs and hedges.
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Characteristics of the MYOPORUM laetum.

Very beautiful rounded tree with short and spreading branches. It has a greyish-brown, rough and corky bark, branches and immature leaves brownish-green and sticky. Leaves a little fleshy, lush, narrow to broadly elliptical or obovate. The flowers form a five-lobed calyx, resembling a bellflower. The petals are white with purple spots. The fruit is broad oblong to ovoid, 0.5-1 cm long, pale purple to black. Myoporum laetum is primarily a coastal plant, both as a native to New Zealand and in cultivation. It can be seen in seaside plantings around the Mediterranean, and in California.

How to use MYOPORUM laetum.

MYOPORUM laetum is usually grown as a municipally pruned shrub, but it can be an attractive small tree forming a rounded crown with spreading branches, often with a gnarled, windswept appearance.

What are the tips for successful cultivation of MYOPORUM laetum.

It will grow best in good soil, but also adapts to drier sites. Young plants are a bit tender, but when older, it tolerates frosts for short periods.