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Senecio aquarine  - Pépinière La Forêt

Senecio aquarine

Senecio aquarine

Senecio aquarine is a beautiful fat plant with a graphic look and a pretty bluish colour. The matt foliage is as if covered with a thin layer of wax. Very easy to maintain, it likes the sun and drained floors. It is grown in pots or rock gardens outside (beware of the cold) or inside for its very decorative design aspect.

Evergreen Blue
-5 °C
Pot, rockary
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All details concerning Senecio aquarine

A fat plant with a very original and exotic look thanks to its graphic foliage, bluish grey and matt. The long leaves are as if covered with a light layer of wax. Senecio aquarine is ideal for indoor cultivation and for beginner gardeners, as it requires few maintenance.


How to use Senecio aquarine ?

Senecio aquarine reaches a height of about 30 cm at maturity and will be a small tree of choice to be grown in pots on balconies and terraces or indoors, near a window. It can also be grown in rock gardens and play on contrasts with dark or purple foliage. If necessary, the largest branches are pruned. We water about one cup of water per week.

What advices to achieve the Senecio aquarine's growth ?

Very easy to maintain, it is put in a pot and watering is spaced out (the soil must dry between two water supplies). We choose a compost for a fat plant. It is rather grown in the sun, it is brought in in winter in case of cold and outdoor cultivation. It keeps its leaves at high temperatures (even at 40°C).