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Rosa K Moin Moin® Patio Rose - Pépinière La Forêt

Rosa Kordes Moin Moin® Patio Rose

Rosier Kordes Moin Moin® Patio Rose

Rosa Kordes Moin Moin Moin® Patio Rose, is a small rosebush with large, semi-double and drooping flowers. From May to October, they offer us a beautiful fuchsia pink colour. Its foliage is green and semi-persistent. Rustic, Rosa can withstand temperatures of -20°C.  In addition, it will be an undeniable asset for urban gardens.

70cm x 50cm Bushy
Half evergreen Green
May to october Pink
-20 °C
Mixed-border, ground cover, pots
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All details concerning Rosa Kordes Moin Moin® Patio Rose

The Moin Moin Moin rose is distinguished by its large semi-double flowers, which open from May to October. These are of a wonderful fuchsia pink that will brighten up the garden. Its foliage is semi-persistent and green. This small rose bush is also hardy and can withstand frosts of -20°C. In addition, this rose is ADR (2015) certified for its beauty, fragrance, habit, abundance of flowering and disease resistance.


How to use Rosa Kordes Moin Moin® Patio Rose  ?

This beautiful rose will create a sensation on the edges, mixed-border and ground cover. It will also be ideal in planters and pots.

What advices to achieve the Rosa Kordes Moin Moin® Patio Rose's growth ?

Rosa, adapts to all types of terrain. However, it is advisable to offer him a fresh and deep ground. Mulching the soil is recommended to save watering. In addition, it is possible to cut short in March to encourage flowering.