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Lavatera Bredon Spring - Pépinière La Forêt

Lavatera Bredon Spring

Beautiful shrub with a ball shaped habit and a magnificent dark pink flowering which appears at the end of branches, Lavatera Bredon Spring decorates gardens, massively planted in hedge or as an isolated subject. Its flowering, which renews itself during months from the beginning of June, is abundant since the first year, ensuring immediate ornamental qualities.

Deciduous Green
June to September Pink
-15 °C
Planting bed, varied hedge
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All details concerning Lavatera Bredon Spring :

Lavatere Bredon Spring is gifted with a pretty rounded habit and a bright pink flowering, that is an amazing point of interest in the garden. Its fuschia coloured flowers, shaped like goblets (more than 5cm in diametre), gather in clusters at the branches' end, are peripheral. Its bluish deciduous foliage contrasts perfectly with the bright pink flowers. This variety grows quite fast, which enables it to obtain a respectable size quickly. 

How to use Lavatera Bredon Spring ?

Lavatera Bredon Spring can reach until 2m high and about 1m width. It will make gorgeous hedges or flowerbeds. Ideal with a sun exposure, a well-drained soil not too dry and not too wet either. Quite rustic, this variety withstands negative temperatures until -15°C. 

What advices to achieve the Lavatera Bredon Spring's growth ?

Lavatera Bredon Spring is great when we cut it at the end of winter so as to improve its flowering density as well as its ramifications.