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Nerium oleander Hardy Red - Pépinière La Forêt

Nerium oleander Hardy Red

Very rustic oleander, Nerium oleander Hardy Red is a variety with a compact habit and a flagrant flowering. Between June and September, this beautiful shrub is covered of pink red flowers with a light perfume. Its foliage is composed of long leaves, quite tough. Contrary to sweet bay leaves used to flavor dishes, oleander leaves can not be eaten. 

Evergreen Green
June to September Red
-12 °C
Hedge, planting bed
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All details concerning Nerium oleander Hardy Red :

Nerium oleander Hardy Red is a beautiful red flowers' laurel, more rustic than its peers. Its quite long flowering, between June and September, is made upon with large and perfumed red flowers. Its leaves are very slender but quite resilient. 

How to use Nerium oleander Hardy Red ?

Even if laurels come from the Mediterranean region, this cultivar was selected for its good rustic asset. It withstands until -12°C, and can be planted in tempered areas as long as we offer it a direct sun exposure, and protected it from the long frosts during the winter. This rounded habit's variety can reach 2.5m high for 2m width. It creates nice dense planting beds, and suits well to vats, where it will perfume terraces. 

What advices to achieve the Nerium oleander Hardy Red's growth ?

Concerning tempered area's planting, Nerium oleander Hardy Red will need a mulch if the winter is cold. In pot, a regular watering will also be necessary.